

Let Time Speak: Sense And Sensibility Of Leather

回歸設計的本質 ── 解決使用需求



HANKAO的設計適合不需以標誌符號來獲得認同的你我。每一項商品都沒有張牙舞爪顯目的Logo,以簡約線條勾勒出最符合使用者的角度,去除繁複的贅飾,以最純粹的本質,讓使用者塑造自我風格,單純運用設計和使用考量,在腦中留下專屬深刻記憶。「非主流的TIME LESS取向」則是希望傳達出每項商品俱有的時間抗性,經得起歲月考驗而不輕易被淘汰,以極簡主義為概念兼具使用功能,衍生出超越流行非主流的商品。


HANKAO的品牌核心價值在於使用的人。用設計給予了一個基本的物品和物件,在製作工序及材質上,皆考量使用上的耐用性。傳達內含時光更迭的概念,甚至可說是時間的「可視化」,HANKAO更在每一件商品的內裡悉心刺上法國存在主義思想家Jean-Paul Sartre的名言”Man is what he wills himself to be.(人終將成為他內心所嚮往的)”和編號,將意念轉為一段獨家記憶與過程,而這一切正是HANKAO最想傳遞出的原始初心。

Back to Basics of Design

── to address people’s needs in everyday use

HANKAO is established in 2016. We, as a group of professional stylists, find it’s difficult to search for handy accessories for everyday use, thus giving rise to our designing bags with our own work experience. From drawing up drafts, exploring leather materials, patterning to manufacturing, we participate in the whole production process ourselves to make a bag that we’d like to wear every day.

HANKAO cares a lot about selection of materials. All of the buckles and metal components are made of stainless steel. We find it important that metal buckles shouldn’t change in color due to daily wear and tear. Our bags are made of vegetable-tanned leather, and we hope this kind of leather will present its unique texture and luster from different personal uses. Our small accessories are designed with draped lines and fringes to reflect the flow of time.

HANKAO thinks our identity shouldn’t be built upon symbols, so there’s no distinct logo on each of our products; instead of complicated designs, we try to keep our products simple. We hope our users can be distinctive when carrying our bags. Simplicity and practicality is what HANKAO pursues. “Non-mainstream and timeless” is what HANKAO wants to convey that each of our products can stand the test of time and we expect our products to transcend mainstream trends.

What we think design is is that ideas and plans are the final goal, and plans are the arrangements during the production process ── HANKAO

The core value of our brand “HANKAO” lies in our users. We provide our users simple goods; durability is what we infuse into each of our products from opting for materials to manufacturing. Our merchandise conveys the ideas of the flow of time, and we even visualize what we think time is. Jean-Paul Sartre, a French philosopher, used to say “Man is what he wills himself to be.” We embroider this saying and a distinctive number in the lining of each bag, hoping to communicate our belief with our users and trying to convert this belief into an exclusive memory between our bag users and HANKAO. This is exactly why we started HANKAO.